C (238/254)

From:Stefan Schulze
Date:21 Apr 00 at 14:01:40
Subject:Re: VBCC-Problems

Hi Volker,

Du warst am 16-Apr-00 an Deinem Rechner und schriebst �ber Re: [amiga-c]

> On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Stefan Schulze wrote:

>> Why does VBCC complain about doubled defined smybols in the same
>> object-file? (startup.o, copied from the StormC-package (V3.0) because
>> there was no startup-code inside the vbcc-archive)

> You cannot use startup-codes from other compilers. vbcc comes with its own
> startup-codes and vc will use them by default (i.e. you must not specify
> them as extra object files). You seem to have an installation-problem or a
> broken archive. What archives do you have and where did you get them from?

Well I just realized that all archives were broken due to IBrowse.
Everything works fine now but there are still some linker errors left. But it
doesn't matter anymore because I gave up. :) I use too much things
(RTGMaster, Warp3D, chunkyppc, AHI) which I can't generate working includes

>> If
>> yes, where can I get these linker-libs? (for 68020+ and for WarpOS) And why
>> aren't they inside the archive when they're needed to compile anything?

> Again, all the libraries you need should be in the appropriate archives.

Yes, now they are there. :)

>> I got many warnings during compile about missing semicolons and some other
>> things directly after some #include-instructions. But the number changed
>> from time to time depending on the order VBCC compiles my sources. Which
>> differences must be taken into account from Storm to VBCC? (because I've
>> also copied all missing include-files from StormC)

> First, you can usually not use includes from another compiler unless they
> are not compiler-specific (i.e. the original OS includes or most headers
> for shared libraries can be used, whereas something like stdio.h can not).

I left out Pragmas, ANSI-C and PPC stuff but the rest should be compatible.

> Second, you have to check where your sources use extensions to standard C.
> These are usually not understood by different compilers. While some
> extensions are offered by most compilers (e.g. register arguments or
> inline assembly), they rarely use the same syntax. So, you have to look
> where you're using extensions to standard C and then check whether vbcc
> offers them and, if so, how to write them in vbcc.

AFAIK I don't use any ANSI extensions.
>> If I compile with -O (Optimizing) on one particular file vbccm68k_wos eats
>> all ram (55MB Fast and 2MB Chip) within half a minute and then exits with
>> "not enough memory!". But the file is only around 30K big and some files
>> are bigger then this. If I compile with -O3 (better optimizing) VBCC also
>> eats all memory and freezes the systme then. Has somebody made similar
>> experiences?

> The optimizer does use a lot of RAM. The amount can vary widely depending
> on the complexity of the source. The source code length is not so
> important. Factors which increase RAM usage of the optimizer are:

> - long functions
> - many edges in the control-flow-graph (i.e. many branches/loops/ifs)
> - many global variables
> - a lot of pointer usage

> If you compile the file with -E and send me the resulting .i file I will
> have a look whether there is a problem and if RAM usage can be reduced.

The whole file contains only lines like Bla[43].Bla=Bla; Nothing more. I know
it's a bad method for initializing arrays but it's only provisional. :)

> The problem of freezing the system is typical for low memory situations
> and probably not directly caused by vbcc. vbcc will allocate many
> relatively small chunks of memory and do lots of calculations. Therefore,
> there may be extremely little memory available for some time. In a
> multitasking OS usually other things will happen during that time and, in
> my experience, something will crash. AmigaOS (as well as many other
> systems) is not stable in low memory situations, IMHO.

I agree with everything but well... 60 MB?!?

Thanks for your help, anyways.

Bye, Stefan.

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